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Complete Author/Title List

The following list provides author, title, and publication information for the 210 books included in the online collection of the Library of Congress. Also provided are links to the transcribed text (Full Text (Table of Contents)), the digital images of the book pages (Page Image Viewer), and the bibliographic record (Bibliographic Info). Books without an author attribution appear at the beginning of the list and are arranged by title.

Ball-room dancing without a master, and complete guide to the etiquette, toilet, dress and management of the ball-room; with all the principal dances in popular use.; New York, Hurst & co., c1872
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The ball-room guide. With coloured plates; London, F. Warne and co., 1866
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The Ball-room instructer [!]; containing a complete description of cotillons and other popular dances; New York, Huestis & Craft, 1841
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The ball-room manual of contra dances and social cotillons, with remarks on quadrilles and Spanish dance.; Belfast, Me., H. G. O. Washburn; Boston, G. W. Cottrell, 1863.
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Les basses danses de Marguerite d'Autriche = Das Tanzbèuchlein der Margarete von è Osterreich : vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat der Handschrift MS 9085 aus dem Besitz der Bibliothèque royale Albert Ier, Bruxelles. Kommentarband / mit Beiträgen von Claudine Lemaire, Claude Thiry, Victor Gavenda; Graz, Austria : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1988
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Beadle's dime ball-room companion and guide to dancing. Comprising rules of etiquette, hints on private parties, toilettes for the ball-room, etc. Also, a synopsis of round and square dances, dictionary of French terms, etc; New York, Beadle and company [c1868]
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Constitution of the Virginia Polytechnic German Club; 1917
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[Contredanses; description des figures, plan des figures]; Paris, [17--
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The dance, ancient and modern,; [n. p.] 1900.
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The dancer's guide and ball-room companion; New York, F. M. Reed [c1874]
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The dancing master; or, Directions for dancing country dances, with the tunes to each dance, for the treble-violin. The 10th ed. corrected; with addition of several new dances and tunes never before printed; [London] Printed by J. Heptinstall, for H. Playford, 1698
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The dancing-master; or, Directions for dancing country dances, with the tunes to each dance, for the treble-violin. Vol. the 2d. The 4th ed., containing 360 of the choicest old and new tunes now used at court, and other publick places. The whole work rev. and done on the new-ty'd-note, and much more correct than any former editions.; London, Printed by W. Pearson and sold by J. Young, 1728
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Dancing and prompting, etiquette and deportment of society and ball room. [By] Professor Bonstein [pseud.]; Boston, Chicago [etc.] White, Smith & co. [c1884]
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Dick's quadrille call-book, and ball-room prompter ... To which is added a sensible guide to etiquette and proper deportment in the ball and assembly room, besides seventy pages of dance music for the piano; New York, Dick & Fitzgerald [c1878
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The gentleman & lady's companion; containing, the newest cotillions and country dances; to which is added, instances of ill manners, to be carefully avoided by youth of both sexes ..; Norwich, Printed by J. Trumbull, 1798.
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The german. How to give it. How to lead it. How to dance it. By two amateur leaders; Chicago, Jansen, McClurg and company, 1879. New York, Dick & Fitzgerald [c1895]
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How to dance. A complete ball-room and party guide. Containing all the latest figures, together with old-fashioned and contra dances now in general use. Also, a guide to ballroom etiquette, toilets, and general useful information for dancers.; New York, Tousey & Small, 1878. Boston : A. Williams, 1858.
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Immorality of modern dances, ed. by Beryl and associates; New York, Everitt and Francis co. [etc.] 1904. Collegville, Ind., St. Joseph's printing office, 1910.
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Jig, clog, and breakdown dancing made easy, with sketches of noted jig dancers; New York, E. James, c1873. New-York, E. & J. Magnus, 1852.
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The laws of etiquette; Philadelphia, Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1836.
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Leaflets of the ball room. Being a sketch of the polka quadrilles ...; Philadelphia, New York, Turner & Fisher [c1847]
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Manuel du cotillon; Paris, Ouachée [n.d.]
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Observations sur les danses; [n.p.] 1830.
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Rinnce na h-É ireann, a simplified work on the performance of the dances of Ireland; The Gaelic League of the State of New York, 1907
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A Solemn warning to dancers.; New York : N. Bangs and J. Emory for the Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church,[between 1824 and1832]
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The way to dance. A book which teachers the art of dancing without a master; New York, Street & Smith, 1890.
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Adams, Revels Alcorn, 1869-; The social dance, by Dr. R. A. Adams; Kansas City, Kan., The author, c1921.
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Alerme, P. E.; De la danse; Paris, Les Marchands de nouveautés, 1830.
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Arbeau, Thoinot, 1519-1595.; Orchesographie. Et traicte en forme de dialogve, par leqvel tovtes personnes pevvent facilement apprendre & practiquer l'honneste exercice des dances. Par Thoinot Arbeau demeurant à Lengres.; Lengres, Imprimé par Iehan des Preyz, 1589
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Bacquoy-Guédon, Alexis.; Méthode pour exercer l'oreille a la mesure, dans l'art de la danse. Par M. Bacquoy-Guédon; Amsterdam, Et se trouve á Paris, chez Valade [1785?]
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Baron, Auguste Alexis; Lettres a Sophie Sur La Danse, suivies D'entretiens sur les danses ancienne, moderne, religieuse, civile et theatrale; Paris, Dondey-Dupré Père et fils, 1825
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Blasis, Carlo, 1803-1878.; Nouveau manuel complet de la danse; ou, Traité théorique et pratique de cet art depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours, par Blasis ..; Paris, Roret, 1866.
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Blasis, Carlo, 1803-1878.; [The code of Terpsichore. The art of dancing, comprising its theory and practice, and a history of its rise and progress, from the earliest times ... by C. Blasis ...Translated under the author's immediate inspection by R. Barton]; [London, E. Bull, 1830]
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Bogatzky, Carl Heinrich von, 1690-1774.; Schriftsmässige beantwortung der frage: Was von dem weltüblichen tanzen und spielen zu halten sey und ob es nicht mit zur christlichen freyheit gehöre? als ein anhang zu den betrachtungen von der freyheit der gläubigen vom gesetz auf verlangen entworfen und in druck gegeben von Carl Heinrich von Bogatzky; Halle, In verlag des Wäysenhauses, 1750
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Boiseul, Jean; Traité contre les danses. Par Jean Boiseul; La Rochelle, Les heritiers de Hierosme Havltin, 1606.
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Bonem, Natal Jacome; Tratado dos principaes fundamentos da danç a, obra muito util, naõ sómente para esta mocidade, que quer aprender a danç ar bem, mais ainda para as pessoas honestas, e polidas, as quaes ensina as regras para bem andar, saudar, e fazer todas as cortezias, que convem em as assembleas adonde o uzo do mundo a todos chama ... Por Natal Jacome Bonem; Coimbra, Na Officina dos irmaós Ginhoens, 1767
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Bosshardt-Strübi, J. R.; Leitfaden für den tanz- & körperbildungs-unterricht mit anleitungen über den gesellschaftlichen verkehr. 14 tafeln mit 118 figürlichen und choregraphischen darstellungen. Bearbeitet von J. R. Bosshardt-Strèubi; Zürich, Juchli & Beck, 1897.
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Bottallo, Barthélemy G.; Guide du bon danseur, par le professeur B.-G. Bottallo; Paris [Imp. Jouve & cie] 1912.
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Bourgeois, Edmond.; Traité pratique et théorique de la danse, par Edmond Bourgeois.; Paris, Garnier frères [1909?]
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Bowen, Louise W. de K.; The public dance halls of Chicago.; [n.p.] 1917.
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Brieux Saint-Laurent, vicomte de; Quelques mots sur les danses modernes, par le vte de B. Saint-Laurent; Paris, C. Douniol, 1863.
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Brookes, James H.; May Christians dance? By Jas. H. Brookes; St. Louis, J. W. McIntyre, 1869.
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Brookes, Lawrence De Garmo; Brookes on modern dancing, containing a full description of all dances, as practised in the ball room and at private parties, together with an essay on etiquette. By L. De G. Brookes.; New York [The author] 1867.
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Brooks, C. Professor; The ball-room monitor; or, Guide to the learner; containing the most complete sets of quadrilles ever published.; Philadelphia, J. H. Johnson [c1866]
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[Brown, R. E.], of Taloma, Wash.; A treatise on the elements of dancing. By T. Erp. Sichore [pseud.]; San Francisco, The Bancroft company, 1891.
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Buffalo. Ordinances, etc.; Dance halls. Ordinances governing the conduct of public dances and dance halls, city of Buffalo. Issued by the Common council. Daniel J. Sweeney, city clerk ..; [Buffalo, 1914]
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Burette, M. (Pierre Jean), 1665-1747.; Prima, e seconda memoria per servire alla istoria del ballo degli antichi, del signor Burette. N. II; Venezia, 1746.
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Butterick Publishing, Company; Masquerades, tableaux and drills; New York [etc.] The Butterick publishing company, limited, c1906.
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Cahusac, Louis de; La danse ancienne et moderne, ou Traité historique de la danse. Par m. de Cahusac ..; A La Haye [i.e. Paris] chez J. Neaulme, 1754.
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Caroso, Fabritio; Nobiltà di dame del Sr. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, libro, altra volta, chiamato Il ballarino. Nuouamente dal proprio auttore corretto, ampliato di nuoui balli, di belle regole, & alla perfetta theorica ridotto: con le creanze necessarie á caualieri, e dame. Aggiontoui il basso, & il soprano della musica: & con l'intauolatura del liuto á ciascun ballo. Ornato di vaghe & bellissime figure in rame; In Venetia, Presso il Muschio, 1600. Ad instantia dell'auttore
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Caroso, Fabritio.; Il ballarino di M. Fabritio Caroso da Sermoneta, diuiso in due trattati; nel primo de' quali si dimostra la diuersità de i nomi, che si danno à gli atti; & mouimenti, che interuengons ne i balli: & con molte regole si dichiara come debbano farsi. Nel secondo s'insegnano diuerse sorti di balli, & balletti sì all' vso d'Italia, come à quello di Francia, & Spagna. Ornato di molte figure. Et con l'intauolatura di liuto nella sonata di ciascun ballo, & il soprano della musica alla maggior parte di essi. Opera nuouamente mandata in luce; In Venetia, Appresso Francesco Ziletti, 1581
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Carpenter, Lucien O.; J.W. Pepper's universal dancing master, prompter's call book and violinist's guide : containing a description of all the figures and full explanation of the different steps used in dancing, together with the music of all the principal dances, arranged for violin, with the prompter's calls printed on each dance just where they occur in dancing / by Lucien O. Carpenter; Philadelphia, Pa. : J.W. Pepper, c1882
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Cartier, [P Valleau]; Cartier and Baron's practical illustrated waltz instructor, ball room guide, and call book. Giving ample directions for dancing every kind of square and round dances, together with cotillons--including the newest and most popular figures of "the german."; New York, C. T. De Witt, c1879.
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Cartier, [P Valleau]; Cartier's practical illustrated waltz instructor, ball room guide, and call book. Giving ample directions for dancing every kind of square and round dances, together with cotillons--including the newest and most popular figures of "the german."; New York, De Witt, c1882.
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Cassidy, James P.; A treatise on the theory and practice of dancing, with an appropriate poem, in two cantos, and plates illustrative of the art. By James P. Cassidy ..; Dublin, Printed by W. Folds, 1810.
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Castle, Vernon, 1887-1918.; Modern dancing / by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle; introduction by Elisabeth Marbury.; New York : World Syndicate Co., c1914.
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Cellarius, Henri; The drawing-room dances. By Cellarius; London, E. Churton, 1847.
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Cellarius, Henri; La danse des salons / par Cellarius; dessins de Gavarni; gravés par Lavieille.; Paris : Chez l'auteur, 1849.
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Charbonnel, Raoul; La danse. Comment on dansait, comment on danse. Technique de Mme Berthe Bernay ... notation musicale de MM. Francis Casadesus et Jules Maugué. Illustrations de M. Valvérane; Paris, Garnier frères [1899]
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Chistëïìakov, Aleksandr Dmitrievich; Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo k obucheniiu tanëtìsam; 1893
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Clarchies, Louis Julien; 28e Recüil des contre-danses et waltzes; Paris, Frere père [1815?
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Clendenen, Frank Leslie; Clendenen's treatise on elementary and classical dancing ... By F. Leslie Clendenen; Davenport, Iowa, Instructor publishing co., 1903.
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[Clendenen, Frank Leslie] 1864-; Fashionable quadrille call book and guide to etiquette; [Chicago, C. Himmelman & co.] c1899.
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Clendenen, Frank Leslie; The art of dancing; its theory and practice, by F. Leslie Clendenen. Drawings by Mrs. Clendenen. Intended for amateurs as well as for professional teachers ..; [St. Louis, Printed by Arcade print shop, 1919]
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Cleveland, C. H., Jr.; Dancing at home and abroad. By C. H. Cleveland, jr; Boston, O. Ditson & co.; New York, C. H. Ditson & co.; [etc., etc.] c1878.
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Coll, Charles J.; Dancing made easy, by Charles J. Coll and Gabrielle Rosiere; New York, E. J. Clode [c1922]
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Coulon, Eugène b. 1808.; Coulon's Hand-book; containing all the last new and fashionable dances, and also some important remarks on dancing & deportment ... By Coulon ...; London, A. Hammond & co. [1873]
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Coulon, Eugène b. 1808.; Coulon's hand-book; containing all the last new and fashionable dances ... By Coulon ..; London, Jullien & co. [1860?]
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Crane, Jonathan Townley, 1819-1880.; An essay on dancing / by J. Townley Crane.; New York : Nelson & Phillips, [1849]
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Cree, Aubrey McMahon; Handbook of ball-room dancing, by Paymaster-Commander A. M. Cree, R.N., with an introduction by George Grossmith; illustrated with diagrams; London, John Lane; New York, John Lane company, 1920.
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Czerwinski, Albert; Geschichte der tanzkunst bei den cultivirten völkern von den ersten anfängen bis auf die gegenwärtige zeit. Von Albert Czerwinski. Mit 34 in den text gedruckten abbildungen und 9 alten tanzmelodien.; Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1862
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Davis, George Rev; An account of the trial of social dance; Rondout, N.Y., K. Freeman printing house, 1899.
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De Garmo, William B.; The prompter: containing full descriptions of all the quadrilles, figures of the german cotillon, etc. Designed for the assistance of the pupils of Wm. B. De Garmo ..; New York, Raymond & Caulon, printers, 1865.
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De Garmo, William B.; The dance of society: a critical analysis of all the standard quadrilles, round dances, 102 figures of le cotillon ("the german"), &c., including dissertations upon time and its accentuation, carriage, style, and other relative matter. By Wm. B. De Garmo ... Illustrations by Theodore Wèust, New York.; New York, W. A. Pond & co., 1875.
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Desrat, G.; Traité de la danse, contenant la théorie et l'histoire des danses anciennes et modernes, avec toutes les figures les plus nouvelles du cotillon, par Desrat. Illustré de nombreuses gravures.; Paris, H. Delarue et cie [190-?]
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Dewey, Vivian Persis.; "Tips to dancers," good manners for ballroom and dance hall, by V. Persis Dewey.; [Kenosha, Wis., c1918]
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[Dick, Harris B.]; How to lead the german.; New York, Dick & Fitzgerald [c1895]
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[Dodworth, Allen]; Assistant for A. Dodworth's pupils; New-York, Nesbitt & co., printers, 1873.
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[Dodworth, Allen]; Assistant for A. Dodworth's pupils; New York, Nesbitt & co., printers, 1878.
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Dodworth, Allen.; Dancing and its relations to education and social life, with a new method of instruction ... By Allen Dodworth.; New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1900.
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Drumm, Melvin C.; The modern dance and what shall take its place; [Center Hall, Pa., Center Reporter printing office, 1921]
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Dufort, Giovanni Battista; Trattato del ballo nobile di Giambatista Dufort, indirizzato all' eccellenza delle signore dame, e de' signori cavalieri napoletani; Napoli, Nella stamperia di F. Mosca, 1728.
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Dun, Barclay.; A translation of nine of the most fashionable quadrilles, consisting of fifty French country dances, as performed in England and Scotland. With explanatory notes. To which are prefixed, a few observations on the style, &c. of the quadrille, the English country dance, and the Scotch reel. By Barclay Dun; Edinburgh, Printed for the author, and sold by W. Wilson & co. [etc.] 1818.
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Duncan, Raymond; La danse et la gymnastique, par Raymond Duncan; conférence faite le 4 mai 1914, à l'Université hellénique, Salle de géographie ..; Paris, Akademia Raymond Duncan, 1914.
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Durang, Charles; The fashionable dancer's casket; or, The ball-room instructor ... By Charles Durang; Philadelphia, Baltimore [etc.] Fisher & brother [c1856]
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Elmwell, L. H.; Prompter's pocket instruction book. By Prof. L. H. Elmwell; Boston, New York [etc.] White-Smith music publishing company, c1892.
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Faulkner, T[homas] A.; From the ball-room to hell. By T. A. Faulkner; Chicago, The Henry publishing co. [c1892]
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Faulkner, Thomas A.; The lure of the dance, by T. A. Faulkner; Los Angeles, Cal., T. A. Faulkner [c1916]
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Feldtenstein, C. J. von; Erweiterung der kunst nach der chorographie zu tanzen, tänze zu erfinden, und aufzusetzen; wie auch anweisung zu verschiedenen national-tänzen; als zu englischen, deutschen, schwäbischen, pohlnischen, hannak- masur-kosak- und hungarischen; mit kupfern; nebst einer anzahl englischer tänze. Von C. J. v. Feldtenstein; Braunschweig, 1772
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Ferrero, Edward, 1831-1899.; The art of dancing, historically illustrated. To which is added a few hints on etiquette; also, the figures, music, and necessary instruction for the performance of the most modern and approved dances ... By Edward Ferrero; New York, The author, 1859.
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Fertiault, F. (Fran cois), 1814-1915.; Histoire anecdotique et pittoresque de la danse chez les peuples anciens et modernes ... Par F. Fertiault; Paris, A. Aubry, 1854.
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger or; Recüil de contredances mises en chorégraphie, d'une maniére si aisée, que toutes personnes peuvent facilement les apprendre, sans le secours d'aucun maitre et même sans avoir en aucune connoissance de la chorégraphie. Par Mr. Feuillet ..; Paris, L'auteur, 1706
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger or; Orchesography; or, The art of dancing by characters and demonstrative figures. Wherein the whole art is explain'd; with compleat tables of all steps us'd in dancing, and rules for the motions of the arms, &c. Whereby any person (who understands dancing) may of himself learn all manner of dances. Being an exact and just translation from the French of Monsieur Feuillet. By John Weaver, dancing master. The 2d ed. N.B. To this edition is added, the Rigadoon, the Louver, & the Brittagne, in characters, with the contents, or index: the whole engraven: and likewise may be had where these are sold, 20 dances in characters, by Mr Isaac, in one vollume; London, Printed for, & sold by In p0 s. Walsh, musick printer & instrument maker to His Majesty, at the Harp in Catherine st
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger or; Recueil de dances, composées par mr. Feuillet; Paris, L'auteur, 1709
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger or; Chorégraphie ou L'art de décrire la dance par caracteres, figures et signes desmonstratifs avec lesquels on apprend facilement de soy même toutes ortes de dances. Par Mrs Feuillet et Dezais ..; Paris, Chez le Sr Dezais, 1713
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger, 1659 or 60-1710.; For the furthur improvement of dancing, A treatis of chorography, or, Ye art of dancing country dances after a new character : in which the figures, steps & manner of performing are describ'd & ye rules demonstrated in an easie method adapted to the meanest capacity / translated from the French of Monsr Feuillet, and improv'd wth. many additions, all fairly engrav'd on copperplates, and a new collection of country dances describ'd in ye same character by Iohn Essex, dancing master; London : Sold by I. Walsh & P. Randall ... I. Hare ... I. Culen ... & by ye author ..., 1710
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger, 1659 or 60-1710.; Recüeil de dances contenant un tres grand nombres, des meillieures entrées de ballet de Mr. Pecour, tant pour homme que pour femmes, dont la plus grande partie ont été dancées á l'Opera. Recüeillies et mises au jour par Mr. Feüillet; Paris, Chez le sieur Feüillet, 1704
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Feuillet, Raoul-Auger, 1659 or 60-1710.; Per. receüil [sic] de danses de bal pour l'année 1703. De la composition de m. Pecour, et mis au jour par m. Feüillet; Paris, Le sieur Feüillet [etc.] 1702
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Florence, W[illiam] W.; "Esmeralda" waltz-lanciers. Arranged for the Esmeralda club, of St. Louis, Mo. by Prof. W. W. Florence.; [St. Louis? Mo.] 1882.
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[Foreman, H. A., Mrs.]; A few sketches of the interior and work done at Foreman Hall- 1894; [n.p., n.d.
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Fraisier, M. J. C.; The scholars companion, containing a choice collection of cotillons & country-dances. By M. J. C. Fraisier; Boston: Printed by D. Bowen, at the Columbia museum press, for the author [1796?]
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Frank, Charles Julius ed.; The latest method, home instruction by mail, dancing courses ... arranged and ed. by Charles J. Frank ..; Philadelphia, Pa., The Beacon academy, 1922
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Frazer, Lilly Grove, Lady, d. 1941.; Dancing, by Mrs. Lilly Grove, F.R.G.S., and other writers, with musical examples. Illustrated by Percy Macquoid and by numerous reproductions of engravings, prints and photographs.; London [etc.] Longmans, Green. and co., 1907.
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French, J. A. ed; The prompter's handbook. Ed. by J. A. French; Boston, London, O. Ditson company; [etc., etc.] c1893.
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Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea; A treatise on the art of dancing. By Giovanni Andrea Gallini; London, Printed for the author and sold by R. Dodsley [etc.] 1772.; 080; -1
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Gardner, Ella, 1893-1942.; Public dance halls, their regulation and place in the recreation of adolescents, by Ella Gardner; Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1929.
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Gardner, W[illiam] W.; Modern dancing: in the light of Scripture and facts. By W. W. Gardner, D.D. ... 1st thousand; Louisville, Ky., Baptist book concern, 1893.
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Gass, Henry; The waltz C. A combination of curved steps and movements, so as to represent or describe the letter C. Composed by Henry Gass ..; [Mobile, Ala.?] c1876.
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Gavina, P.; Balli di ieri e balli d'oggi.; Milano, U. Hoepli, 1922
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Gawlikowski; Guide complet de la danse. Contenant le quadrille, la polka, la polka-mazurka ... avec la musique, par Gawlikowski ..; Paris, Taride, 1858.
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Gilbert, Melvin Ballou.; Round dancing, by M. B. Gilbert; Portland, Me., M. B. Gilbert [c1890]
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Giraudet, Eugène; Traité de la danse; seul guide complet renfermant 200 danses différentes de salons, grands bals, sociétés, théâtre, concert, province et étranger, avec 500 dessins et figures explicatives, par Eug. Giraudet ... suivi d'un appendice contenant environ 30 danses diverses pour piano; Paris [Imprimerie A. Veutin, 187-?]
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Giraudet, Eugène, 1861-; Traité de la danse ...Grammaire de la danse et du bon ton à travers le monde et les siècles depuis le singe jusqu'a nos jours. 6341 danses ou pas différents et articles de tous genres sur la danse; Paris [1885?]-1900.
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Giraudet, Eugène, 1861-; La danse, la tenue, le maintien, l'hygiène & l'education, seul guide complet approuvé par l'Académie; renfermant 1.000 danses de tous les pays du monde pour salons, grands bals, sociétés, théâtre, concert, bals publics, province & É tranger (500 dessins et figures) 2,000 pas chorégraphiques avec théories et 1,800 figures explicatives de cotillon ... Par Eugène Giraudet; Paris [1885?]-1900.
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[Gourdoux-Daux, J. H.]; Elements and principles of the art of dancing, as used in the polite and fashionable circles, also rules of deportment and descriptions of manners of civility, appertaining to that art: from the French of J. H. G., by V. G.; Philadelphia, Printed by J. F. Hurtel, 1817.
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Grant, H. N.; The double sword dance. Described and copyrighted November, 1895, by Prof. H. N. Grant ..; [Buffalo? N.Y.] c1895.
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Grant, H. N.; How to become successful teachers of the art of dancing in conjunction with how to manage a favor-german, by Prof. H. N. Grant ..; Buffalo, N.Y. [Kraft & Stern, printers] c1893.
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Grant, Horatio N.; Irine skipping rope dance, originated and described by Prof. H. N. Grant. ; [Buffalo? N.Y.] c1895.
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Grant, Horatio N.; The Highland fling and how to teach it, by Prof. Grant ... [Book no. 2]; Buffalo, N.Y., Electric city press [c1892]
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Greene, William E.; The terpsichorean monitor. By William E. Greene; Providence, R.I., E. A. Johnson & co., printers, 1889.
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Ham, Mordecai Franklin.; The modern dance; a historical and analytical treatment of the subject; religious, social, hygienic, industrial aspects as viewed by the pulpit, the press, medical authorities, municipal authorities, social workers, etc., by M. F. Ham ... illustrations by Will N. Noonan.; [San Antonio, The San Antonio printing company, 1916]
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Harvey, J. H.; Wehman's complete dancing master and call book: containing a full and complete description of all the modern dances, together with the figures of the german. By J. H. Harvey; New York, H. J. Wehman [c1889]
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Heckman, George C., b. 1825.; Dancing as a Christian amusement. By the Rev. George C. Heckmann[!]; Philadelphia, Presbyterian board of publication [1879]
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Hillgrove, Thomas; The scholars' companion and ball-room vade mecum ... With hints and instructions respecting toilet, deportment,&c., &c. ... By Thomas Hillgrove ..; New York, T. R. Turnbull & co., printers, 1857.
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Hillgrove, Thomas; A complete practical guide to the art of dancing. Containing descriptions of all fashionable and approved dances, full directions for calling the figures, the amount of music required; hints on etiquette, the toilet, etc. By Thomas Hillgrove ..; New York, Dick & Fitzgerald [c1863]
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Holt, Ardern; How to dance the revived ancient dances. By Ardern Holt.; London, H. Cox, 1907.
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Hopkins, J. S.; The tango and other up-to-date dances; a practical guide to all the latest dances, tango, one step, innovation, hesitation, etc., described step by step, by J. S. Hopkins; illustrated with photographs posed by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, Joseph C. Smith ... and many other famous dancers; Chicago, Akron, O. [etc.] The Saalfield publishing company [1914]
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Howe, Elias; The pocket ball-room prompter; Boston, O. Ditson & Co., c1886.
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Howe, Elias; American dancing master, and ball-room prompter: containing about five hundred dances ... By Elias Howe ..; Boston, E. Howe, 1862.
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Howe, Elias, 1820-1895.; Complete ball-room hand book, containing upwards of three hundred dances ... By Elias Howe, assisted by several eminent professors of dancing.; [Boston, Ditson, c1858]
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Hubbert, James Monroe; Dancers and dancing; a calm and rational view of the dancing question, by Pastor J. M. Hubbert; Nashville, Tenn., Cumberland Presbyterian publishing house [c1901]
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Ide, Jacob; The nature and tendency of balls, seriously and candidly considered; in two sermons; [n.p ] 1818.
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Isaac, Mr.; The Friendship. Mr. Isaac's new dance for the year 1715. The tune br Mr. Paisible; [London], Printed for I. Talch, and I. Hare, (1715)
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Isaac, Mr.; The Godolphin, Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majestys birth day 1714; [London], Printed for I. Walsh, and I. Hare, (1714)
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[Isaac, Mr.]; The Northumberland. Mr. Isaac's New Dance, made for Her Majesty's Birth Day; [London, 1713?
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Isaac, Mr.; The Pastorall. Mr Issac's new dance made for Her Majestys birth day 1713; [London], Printed for I Walsh, and I. Hare, (1713)
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[Isaac, Mr.]; The Princess. Mr. Isaac's New Dance, made for Her Majesty's Birth Day; [London, 1707?
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[Isaac, Mr.]; The Royall. Mr. Isaac's new dance; [London, 1712?
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Isaac, Mr.; The Royal Ann. Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majesty's birth day 1712; [London], Printed for I. Hare & I. Hare, (1712)
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Isaac, Mr.; The Royall Gailliarde; London, Printed for J. Walsh & P. Randall ... & J. Hare, (1710)
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Isaac, Mr.; The Royal Portuguez; London, Printed for I. Walsh & P. Randall ... & I. Hare, (1709)
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Isaac, Mr.; The Rigadoon Royal. Mr. Isaac's new dance made for Her Majesty's birth day 1711; [London], Printed for I. Walsh, & I. Walsh, (1771)
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Jones, John Griffing, 1804-1888.; An appeal to all Christians, especially the members of the Methodist Episcopal church, against the practice of social dancing. By Rev. John G. Jones ..; Saint Louis, P. M. Pinckard, 1867.
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Kingsbury, W. H.; A cotilion [!] [By] W. H. Kingsbury; London, S. W. Fores, 1788
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Kinney, Troy, 1871-1938.; Social dancing of to-day, demonstrated by Mr. John Murray Anderson; with text, twenty-nine diagrams and fifty-two illustrations from photographs by Troy and Margaret West Kinney.; New York, Frederick A. Stokes company, 1914.
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Koncen, Mathias J.; Prof. M. J. Koncen's quadrille call book and ball room guide; St. Louis, Press of S. F. Brearley & co. [c1883]
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Kopp, E. H. comp; The American prompter and guide to etiquette, comp. by E. H. Kopp. Containing ... full directions for calling and dancing ..; Cincinnati, New York [etc.] The J. Church company [c1896]
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La Cuisse, de, 18th cent.; Le répertoire des bals, ou Theorie-pratique des contredanses, décrites d'une maniere aisée avec des figures démonstratives pour les pouvoir danser facilement, auxquelles on a ajouté les airs notés. Par la s.r de La Cuisse; Paris, Cailleau [etc.] 1762
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Landrin, fl. ca. 1760-1785.; Receuil danglaise : arrangees avec leurs traits telle quel se danse ché la Reine / mis au jour par M[onsieu]r Landrin, m[ai]tre de danse ét compositeur des Traits des contre-danse.; A Paris : Landrin, m[archan]d de musique ét dedans[e] ... ét chez Mlle Castagnery ..., [between ca. 1760 and 1785
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Landrin, fl. ca. 1760-1785.; Potpourri franç ois des contre-danse ancienne tel quil se danse chez la Reine; A Paris : Chez Landrin, m[archan]d de musique ét de dans[e] ..., Lahante, m[aî]tre de danse ..., [ca. 1760
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Link, Charles pub; Unique dancing call book; Rochester, N.Y., C. Link, c1893.
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Lorenzová, Anna.; Elegantní tanecník / dle rozlicný ch pramenu upravila Anna Lorenzová.; V Trebíci : Nakladatel Jindrich Lorenz, [189-] (V Dacicích : Tisk Ant. Kasalého
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Magri, Gennaro, fl. 1779.; Trattato teorico-prattico di ballo di Gennaro Magri; Napoli, V. Orsino, 1779
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Malpied, N.; Traité sur l'art de la danse, dédié á Monsieur Gardel, l'ainé ... Par M. Malpied ; Paris, Boüin; [etc., etc., 1770?
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Mason, Francis.; A treatise on the use and peculiar advantages of dancing and exercises, considered as a means of refinement and physical development ... By Francis Mason.; London, Sharp & Hale, 1854
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Meyen, H[enry]; The ball room guide, being a compendium of the theory, practice, and etiquette of dancing, embracing the newest quadrilles, polkas ... also, the Meyen quadrille, as taught by H. Meyen; New-York, E. & J. Magnus, 1852.
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Minguet é Irol, Pablo d; Arte de danzar a la francesa, adornado con quarenta figuras, que enseñ an el modo de hacer todos los diferentes passos de la danza del minuete, con todas sus reglas, y de conducir los brazos en cada passo: y en quatro figuras, el modo de danzar los tres passapies. Tambien est an escritos en solfa, para que qualquier musico los sepa tañ er. Su autor Pablo Minguet e Irol ... Anadido en esta tercera impression todos los passos, ó movimientos del danzar à la españ ola ..; [Madrid, P. Minguet, en su casa, 1737?
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Moreau de Saint-Méry, M. L. E. (Médéric Louis Elie), 1750-1819.; De la danse. Par Moreau de Saint-Méry; Parme, Imprimé par Bodoni, 1801.
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Negri, Cesare; Nuove inventioni di balli, ... / Cesare Negri; Milano : [s.n.], 1604
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Newman, Albert W.; Dances of to-day, by Albert W. Newman ... an expert's full directions, with illustrations and diagrams, for learning or teaching the tango, hesitation, one-step, Boston, maxixe and all other modern dances; Philadelphia, The Penn publishing company, 1914.
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Nott, F. C.; Stage and fancy dancing. By F. C. Nott; Cincinnati, O., J. M. Wright, 1896.
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[O'Donnell, Bales] 1874-; The tango and the new dances for ballroom and home, by Maurice [pseud.] ... illustrated with photographs and diagrams. All steps described so plainly anyone can readily learn them.; Chicago, Laird & Lee, inc. [c1914]
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Palmer, B. M. (Benjamin Morgan), 1818-1902.; Social dancing inconsistent with a Christian profession and baptismal vows: a sermon, preached in the Presbyterian church, Columbia, S.C., June 17, 1849, by B. M. Palmer; Columbia, Printed at the office of the South Carolinian, 1849.
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Paul, F.; Le cotillon et les quadrilles actuels; traité théorique et pratique, par F. Paul ; Paris, E. Gérard et cie, 1877.
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Peacock, Francis; Sketches relative to the history and theory, but more especially to the practice of dancing ... Intended as hints to the young teachers of the art of dancing. By Francis Peacock; Aberdeen, Printed by J. Chalmers & co., 1805.
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Pemberton, E.; An essay for the further improvement of dancing; being a collection of figure dances, of several numbers, compos'd by the most eminent masters; describ'd in characters after the newest manner of Monsieur Feuillet. By E. Pemberton. To which is added, three single dances, viz. a chacone by Mr. Isaac, a passacaille by Mr. L'Abbe, and a jig by Mr. Pecour ..; London, J. Walsh [etc.] 1711
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Penn, W. E.; There is no harm in dancing, by W. E. Penn, with an introduction by Rev. J. H. Stribling, D.D.; St. Louis, Mo., L. E. Kline, 1884.
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Pfefferkorn, George J.F; Ist tanzen Sünde? Von G. J. Pfefferkorn; [Chippewa Falls, Wis.] c1901
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Phillips, John, Rev.; Familiar dialogues on dancing, between a minister and a dancer; taken from matter of fact with an appendix containing some extracts from the writings of pious and eminent men against the entertainments of the stage, and other vain amusements ... By John Phillips; New York, Printed by T. Kirk, 1798.
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Powell, R.; Powell's art of dancing; or, Dancing made easy By R. Powell; Louisville, Ky., Harney, Hughes & Hughes, printers, 1848.
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Radestock, Rudolph; The royal ball-room guide and etiquette of the drawingroom, containing the newest and most elegant dances and a short history of dancing. By Rudolph Radestock ; London, Otley, W. Walker and sons [pref. 1877]
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Rameau, Pierre; Abbregé de la nouvelle methode, dans l'art d'écrire ou de tra cer toutes sortes, de danses de ville ... mise au jour par le sr. Rameau ... Ouvrage très utile pour toutes personnes qui ont sç u ou qui apprennent à danser, puis que par le secour de ce livre, on peut se remettre facilement dans toutes les danses que l'on à appris ..; Paris, Chez l'auteur, faubourg St Germain [etc., 1725?
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Rameau, Pierre; Le maître a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la régularité de l'art, & de conduire les bras à chaque pas ... Par le sieur Rameau ..; Paris, Rollin fils, 1748
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Rameau, Pierre; The dancing-master: or, The art of dancing explained ... In two parts ... The whole containing sixty figures drawn from the life, and curiously engraved on copper plates. Done from the French of Monsieur Rameau, by J. Essex ..; London, Printed and sold by him, and J. Brotherton, 1728.
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Reilley, E. B.; The amateur's vademecum. A practical treatise on the art of dancing ... By E. B. Reilley; Philadelphia, J. Nicholas, printer, 1870.
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Rice, N. L.; A discourse on dancing, delivered in the Central Presbyterian church, Cincinnati. By N. L. Rice ..; Cincinnati, The Presbyterian book depository, and W. H. Moore, 1847.
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Rivers, C. H.; A full description of modern dances. By C. H. Rivers; Brooklyn [1885]
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Roberts; Roberts' manual of fashionable dancing and vade mecum for the ball-room; containing a review and full description of all the modern dances, &c; Melbourne, G. Robertson, 1875.
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Rowe, George H. pub; The prompter's own book; or, Rowe's calls for the ball room. Contains all the latest and best calls necessary for an all night party ..; Boston, G. H. Rowe, c1878.
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Sartori, Don Luigi; Die Modernen Tänze; St. Josephs, Collegeville, IN, 191
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Satori, Joseph Aloysius, 1843-; Modern dances, by Rt. Rev. Mgr. Don Luigi Satori.; Collegville, Ind., St. Joseph's printing office, 1910.
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Sause, Judson; The art of dancing, embracing a full description of the various dances of the present day ... by Judson Sause ..; Chicago, New York [etc.] Belford, Clarke & company, [c1889]
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Segadlo, L. F.; Course of instruction in dancing and aesthetic development of the body [by] L. F. Segadlo; Newark, N.J., c1889.
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Sherwood, Mary Elizabeth (Wilson), Mrs., 1830-1903.; Manners and social usages,; New York, Harper & brothers, 1887.
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St. Johnston, Thomas Reginald, Sir, 1881-1950; A history of dancing. By Reginald St. Johnston; London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, & co., 1906.
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Strassburg, Herman A., Jr.; Call book of modern quadrilles ... Arranged and explained by Herman A. Strassburg, jr.; Detroit, Mich., American music co., c1889.
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Strathy, Alexander; Elements of the art of dancing; with a description of the principal figures in the quadrille. By Alexander Strathy; Edinburgh, Printed for the author, and sold by F. Pillans [etc.] 1822.
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Swepstone, Eileen; The tango, as standardized and taught by the representative dancing masters of the North American continent; tango two-step, hesitation waltz, Boston glide, one-step, described by Miss Eileen Swepstone ... illustrated by Miss Swepstone and Mr. Bernard Tweedale; Vancouver, B.C., J. H. Welch [1914]
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Théleur, E. A.; Letters on dancing, reducing this elegant and healthful exercise to easy scientific principles ... By E. A. Théleur ... Illustrated by twenty-four copper-plate engravings, by Stewart, Halpin, Hicks and Read ..; London, Author, 1832.
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Thornwell, Emily.; The lady's guide to perfect gentility, in manners, dress, and conversation ... also a useful instructor in letter writing; New York, Derby & Jackson; Cincinnati, H. W. Derby & co., 1857.
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Tikhomirov, Alekse i Dmitrievich; Samouchitel modnykh bal' nykh I kharakternykh tantsev; 1901
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Tomlinson, Kellom; The art of dancing explained by reading and figures; whereby the manner of performing the steps is made easy by a new and familiar method: being the original work, first design'd in the year 1724, and now published by Kellom Tomlinson, dancing-master ..; London, Printed for the author, 1735.
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Tucker, Henry; Clog dancing made easy. The elements and practice of that art arranged, simplified and corrected ... By Henry Tucker; New York, R. M. DeWitt, c1874.
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Voiart, É lise, Mme., 1786-1866.; Essai sur la danse antique et moderne ... Par Mme É lise Voiart; Paris, Audot, 1823.
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Walker, Caroline; The modern dances, how to dance them, by Caroline Walker; complete instructions for the tango, the Castle walk, the walking Boston, the hesitation waltz, the dream waltz; Chicago, Saul brothers, 1914.
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Watkins, Joel H.; Cotillion figures, by Joel H. Watkins; New York, Washington, The Neale publishing company, 1911
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Weaver, John; A collection of ball-dances perform'd at court: viz. the Richmond, the roundeau, the rigadoon, the favourite, the Spanheim, and the Britannia. All compos'd by Mr. Isaac, and writ down in characters, by John Weaver, dancing-master; London, Printed for the author, and sold by J. Vaillant, 1706
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Webster, Alfred Mrs.; Dancing, as a means of physical education; with remarks on deformities, and their prevention and cure. By Mrs. Alfred Webster; London, D. Bogue; [etc., etc.] 1851.
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Wilkinson, William Cleaver; The dance of modern society. By W. C. Wilkinson; New York, Oakley, Mason & co., 1869.
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Willcox, Asa.; Asa Willcox's book of figures, 1793; multigraphed from a manuscript in the possession of the Newberry library.; Chicago [1918]
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Wilson, George Hepburn; A study in modern dance positions, by G. Hepburn Wilson ; New York, The Inner circle, c1916.
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Wilson, Thomas dancing master; An analysis of country dancing, wherein all the figures used in that polite amusement are rendered familiar by engraved lines. Containing also, directions for composing almost any number of figures to one tune, with some entire new reels; together with the complete etiquette of the ball-room. By T. Wilson ..; London, J. S. Dickson, 1811
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Wilson, Thomas dancing master; An analysis of country dancing: wherein are displayed all the figures ever used in country dances, in a way so easy and familiar, that persons of the meanest capacity may in a short time acquire (without the aid of a master) a complete knowledge of that rational and polite amusement. To which are added, instructions for dancing some entire new reels; together with the rules, regulations, and complete etiquette of the ball room. By T. Wilson ... Embellished and illustrated with engravings on wood, by J. Berryman; London, Printed by W. Calvert, to be had to Mr. Dutton [etc.] 1808
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Wilson, Thomas dancing master; The complete system of English country dancing, containing all the figures ever used in English country dancing, with a variety of new figures, and new reels ... By Thomas Wilson ..; London, Sherwood, Neeley and Jones [1815?]
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Wilson, Thomas dancing master; The quadrille and cotillion panorama, or, Treatise on quadrille dancing, in two parts: with an explanation, in French and English, of all the quadrille & cotillion figures generally adopted, as described by diagrams on the plate, by Thomas Wilson ..; London, R. & E. Williamson; New York, Sold by Messrs. Geib and co.; [etc., etc., 18--]
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Wilson, Thomas, dancing master.; The treasures of Terpsichore; or, A companion for the ballroom. Being a collection of all the most popular English country dances, arranged alphabetically, with proper figures to each dance. By T. Wilson; London, Printed for the author; and to be had of Messrs. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1816.
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Wilson, Thomas, dancing master.; The danciad; or, Dancer's monitor. Being a descriptive sketch in verse, on the different styles and methods of dancing quadrilles, waltzes, country dances, &c. &c. ... Together with observations on the laws regarding dancing, with extracts from the acts of Parliament relating thereto. By Thomas Wilson; London, The author, 1824.
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[Witherspoon, Edna], Mrs.; The perfect art of modern dancing; London and New York, The Butterick publishing co. (limited) c1894.
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Zorn, Friedrich Albert; Grammar of the art of dancing, theoretical and practical; Boston, Mass. [The Heintzemann press] 1905.
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Dance Instruction Manuals

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